Commcap is an Indonesia-based digital content agency that strongly believes that the world we live in today is about sharing, not selling.
Better Content
Better Society
Commcap brings important issues to the public through meaningful digital content with data-driven digital strategy. We are currently active in the field of social development, environment, and creative economy.
We support SDGs by doing digital campaigns and projects in collaboration with civil society, non-governmental organization (NGO), social enterprise, brand, and startup across Indonesia.
Lies Marcoes
Aktivis Perempuan, Direktur Yayasan Rumah Kita Bersama
Commcap memiliki kemampuan, ketajaman dan keberpihakan kepada kelompok yang dimarjinalkan seperti perempuan, kelompok difabel, kelompok suku, ras dan keyakinan minoritas. Commcap dapat membantu perusahan profit memiliki hati nurani dengan tetap berorientasi profit.
Kate Otto
Former Consultant for Program Peduli, Author of Everyday Ambassador
The spirit of social good is a core part of Commcap's identity. The team pours their heart into projects both as an organization and as individuals. It was a pleasure to work with Commcap, as they understand the importance of community collaboration and social inclusion in making a difference through their work.
Melanie Pedro
Former Senior Copy Writer for
Greenpeace Indonesia
Commcap mampu menyederhanakan pesan dan mengantarkannya ke ruang-ruang digital publik dengan cara kreatif dan komunikatif yang mudah dimengerti publik target kampanye Greenpeace. Dampaknya, bukan hanya dimengerti dan diterima, tapi Greenpeace juga berhasil melibatkan publik dan dapat membawa pengaruh melalui berbagai kampanye kami.